Monday, June 6, 2011

Excuses Excuses... go away! come again another day!

Music: Ray LaMontagne

So, it’s almost been two weeks since my last post, and I do realize how pathetic that must look! Its silly really, I’ve been cooking the easiest things on earth for dinner: oatmeal, cereal, leftovers, popcorn (yes, popcorn!) – I made chicken fajitas once, and that was pretty good! Buuuuuuut we’ve also unfortunately eaten out a few more times than we should have… but not the “I’ll just get the organic salad with dressing on the side” kind of eating out… the “can I have extra queso with that? And please do bring another basket of rolls” kind…

Now, people always say “everything is fine in moderation” …which could be true, if we were trying to moderate! We are trying to get into a habit here, a habit of voluntarily choosing the right thing. But being the queen of justifications, I’ve execu-speaked myself into one or two less than stellar decisions... I mean what kind of dinner is Totinos Pizza Rolls anyway? You need a dang magnifying glass to read the ingredients list!

The goal of shedding those few last pounds keeps getting pushed out. Runs get harder when you don’t fuel your body with the right ingredients! Day by day, week by week, we lose precious days and give up the healthy momentum to those in the moment decisions… Will power is one of the biggest struggles I think I have. But lucky for me, I can fix that!

My mother is currently a bit of an inspiration to me (yeah mom!) She’s doing so great eating healthy, and even on her birthday she was conscious of what she celebrated with! Bravo! And with a few trips coming up, I could use the added boost to my will power struggle!

So tonight, I will cook Cuban Marinated Steak with Chimichuri Sauce It’s simple as pie to make. And, to boot, it’s much healthier, more delicious and generally WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY BETTER than freezer food!  

Here’s to keeping the will power intact.
Here’s to pushing through those weaker moments.
Here’s to continuing to cook, even after a long day.
Here’s to a scrum-diddly-ump-cious dinner J

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